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Ammunta / Asekotelot & remmit / Härkila Moose Hunter 2.0 Asehihna MossyOak®Break-up Country®
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Härkila Moose Hunter 2.0 Asehihna MossyOak®Break-up Country®

Härkila Moose Hunter 2.0 Asehihna MossyOak®Break-up Country®

80,01 €

Tuotenumero: 5714733557025
The Moose Hunter 2.0 rifle sling is multi-functional. You can use it as an ordinary rifle sling, or, by undoing the buttons, split it into dual straps. This lets you carry your rifle on your back, like a rucsac, for travelling over longer distances, or if you need your hands free for some other activity. The underside of the sling has a non-slip surface, to stop it sliding off your shoulder, and the sling itself is made from an ultra-durable nylon and polyester blend. Like the other products in the Moose Hunter range, the sling features Mossy Oak® Break-Up Country® camouflage.


80,01 €

Verkkokaupan varasto - Loppu varastosta


The Moose Hunter 2.0 rifle sling is multi-functional. You can use it as an ordinary rifle sling, or, by undoing the buttons, split it into dual straps. This lets you carry your rifle on your back, like a rucsac, for travelling over longer distances, or if you need your hands free for some other activity. The underside of the sling has a non-slip surface, to stop it sliding off your shoulder, and the sling itself is made from an ultra-durable nylon and polyester blend. Like the other products in the Moose Hunter range, the sling features Mossy Oak® Break-Up Country® camouflage.

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